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Entertainment - Grimsby area N.E. Lincs.
- Caxton Theatre -
Local theatre group submit 05/05/99
- Chequered Flag Karting -
NEW 720 Mtr fast outdoor circuit featuring a flyover and tunnel , single and twin engine karts, race suits and helmets, A16 Holton-le-Clay, Nr Grimsby submit 28/09/00
- Fizgig -
All kinds of entertainment and arts in Lincolnshire and the East Midlands area, including Grimsby, Cleethorpes. an up to date guide of where to go for music, theatre and arts events, news and information about artists, bands, venues etc. listings, links and info is a free service to all. submit 28/10/00
- Franklin Festival -
Music, Literature, Dance, Drama, Film, Art, Craft, Franklin College submit 07/02/00
- Gy Scene -
Local grimsby alternate music scene submit 11/06/02
- Hi NRG Entertainments -
Produce, choreograph and provide cast members for any type of show including cabaret. Based in Grimsby. submit 07/03/02
- Magic Rod -
Local Magician, and entertainer. submit 01/01/99
- Magician FX -
Meeting place for those with a Magical Interest in and around Lincolnshire. submit 15/04/01
- Multimart 2000 -
The counties Newest Family Fun event submit 04/12/99
- N F H C -
Feel the drama of the high seas at Grimsby's National Fishing Heritage Centre! submit 21/05/99
- Shuffles Magic -
Local area children's, close-up and mental magic entertainer submit 07/09/01
- Solid Entertainments -
Coach travel to rock and pop concerts, buy tickets online, crowd barrier hire, coach hire, concert promotion, Wellowgate, Grimsby, N. E. Lincolnshire. submit 01/07/00
- Target Club -
North East Lincolnshire submit 05/05/99
Related Groups:- Tourist Information Local information Pubs and Breweries Boats, Boating - Marina Grimsby Cleethropes
Todays thought - One of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one person buys, another sells, and both think they are astute
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